  • Changzamtog, Thimphu

Sem-Zang Tours


  • Duration

    5 Days 4 Nights

  • Difficulty


This tour is focused on discovering Happiness in the Land of Thunder Dragon. Bhutan is referred to as “The Happiest Country on Earth”, so it’s time to explore what makes Bhutanese so happy with their life. You will be visiting Buddhist shrines that enriches the culture and local beliefs, Bhutanese authentic villages to immerse yourself back to the basic of life, and witness the daily chores of the village people. Gross National Happiness- is a developing philosophy as well as an “index” used to measure the development of the country in Spirituality rather than Materialistic approach. GNH is more important than GDP in Bhutan.

Bhutan Trip plan
Trip Length: 4 Nights / 5 Days

SEM-ZANG Tours: SEM-ZANG Tours is a Bhutanese tour operator who provide Bhutan tours and Bhutan travel services across Bhutan.

Day 1
Arrive Paro to Thimphu

After arriving & visa formalities and collection of baggage, you will be welcomed by our
Tour representative who will be your tour guide during your entire trip in Bhutan.

Check into your hotel in Thimphu. Free until lunch time for some rest from early morning flight, refreshment and lunch.

Afternoon, you will visit the following places:-

Tashichho Dzong
The Tashichho Dzong is a Buddhist monastery cum fortress at the northern edge of Thimpu the capital city of Bhutan. The Dzong was built on the western bank of the river Wang Chu, and has historically served at the seat of the DrukDesi or the Dharma Raja of Bhutan’s government. The Dzong has been seat of the Royal government since 1952 and presently houses the Throne room and the Kings secretariat. The Tashichho dzong is also home to several ministries of the Bhutanese government, and the Central Monk Body which is the apex organization of the country’s main spiritual order. The monument welcomes visitors during the Thimphu Tsechu festival which is held in autumn each year.
Folk Heritage Museum.
The folk heritage museum was open to the general public in 2001 upon completion. It treasures
Troves of culture and rich Bhutanese heritage provide rich insights into the Bhutanese ethos. Try to schedule your visit during the morning hours since the museum is less crowded at that time and there is plenty of sunlight to go around. The folk heritage museum is housed in a replica traditional Bhutanese house learn first-hand about Bhutan’s rich cultural traditions, its deeply rooted heritage which spans thousands of years and the Bhutanese way of life. The tour of this almost living museum will also give you a glimpse onto how many rural folk of the country live today following the ancient Bhutanese ways.

National Textile Museums:
The second important Museum that also opened its doors in 2001 is the National Textile
Museum of Bhutan. During a trip to this museum you will get an up close and personal
experience of the living national art of weaving. The changing exhibitions at the museum will
introduce you to the major weaving techniques that the weavers employ to make these beautiful fabrics. It also gives you a chance to see the various styles of dressing of the men and women from different parts of Bhutan.

National Institute of Zorig Chusum
The art and crafts currently taught in Bhutan, were introduced to the country in the 15th century by Trenton Pema Lingpa. Trenton Pema Lingpa also known as the Great Treasure National Institute for Zorig Chusum – Discoverer is credited to have introduced these art forms to the people of Bhutan. These traditional crafts are a representation of the centuries of knowledge and ability that was been handed down to master craftsmen and artisan through each generation. Bhutan’s unique artistic tradition has played a vital role in shaping the countries distinct culture and heritage. It was realized that this unique and priceless heritage of the nation need to be protected and promoted with the strong patronage of the royal government. With this vision in mind the royal institute for Zoring Chusum was established in the year 1971 to train the youth in the 13 traditional Arts and Crafts of Bhutan.

The institute now falls under the aegis of the National Technical Training Authority which was
established in 1990 to ensure high quality vocational training for the people of the country. The institute has now been operational for almost 40 years and has taught students the arts of painting, embroidery, calligraphy, sculpting and wood carving.

National Memorial Chorten
The National Memorial was built by Bhutan’s third king, H.M. Jigme Dorji Wangchuck who is
also known as the “father of modern Bhutan.” He wanted to erect a monument carrying the
message of world peace and prosperity. However, he was unable to give shape to his idea in his lifetime due to pressures of state and other regal responsibilities. After his untimely demise in 1972, the Royal Family and Cabinet resolved to fulfill his wishes and erect a memorial that would perpetuate his memory and also serve as a monument to eternal peace, harmony and tranquility.

The National Memorial Chorten was gifted to the nation on 28 July, 1974. The exquisite wall
paintings and the delicately carved statues reflect deep insights into Buddhist spirituality and a rich tradition of prayer and learning. The National Memorial Chorten is known as the ‘most visible religious landmark in Bhutan’.

The national Memorial Chorten is located in the center of the capital city, Thimphu and is designed like a Tibetan style Chorten. The Chorten is patterned of the classical Stupa design with a pyramidal pillar crowned by a crescent moon and sun. One of the most distinct features of the Chorten is its outwards flaring rounded part that makes the Chorten look more like a vase rather than the classical dome. The interior of the Chorten has a large number of paintings of Tantric deities, in explicit sexual poses that sometimes can be a little disconcerting to visitors.

Overnight in a hotel in Thimphu.

Day 2: Thimphu to Dochula Pass
Post breakfast you will be heading towards Dochula Pass and on the way to Dochula Pass you
will visit the first Dzong of Bhutan:

Simtokha Dzong
The Simtokha Dzong is a small Dzong located approximately 5 kilometers south of Thimphu.
The Dzong is officially called the Sangak Zabhon Phodrang which roughly translates to the

Palace of the Profound Meaning of Secret Mantras. The Simthoka Dzong is said the be the first fortress to have been built by the legendary Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal in Bhutan. The

fortress was constructed in the year 1629. Some suggest the Dzong is the oldest surviving

complete Dzong in Bhutan. The Dzong is currently home to the Institue for Languages and
Cultural Studies which is attended by monks and common people alike. The site of the Dzong is said to have been built over a site where a demon had disappeared in to the rocks nearby.

The site of the Dzong is located very strategically at a point from where the Dzong can protect the Thimphu Valley and also protects the valley that leads to the Dochu La pass and onwards to Eastern Bhutan.

Dochula Pass
Later, we will stop over for tea at Dochula Pass (3,100 m), where on a sunny day, you can get
stunning views of the Himalayan ranges. The Dochu La Pass is probably the best known
mountain pass in Bhutan. Located at an altitude of 3150 meter above sea level, the Dochu La
Pass is about 30 kilometer away from the capital city Thimphu and the road to Punakha.

On a clear day the pass offers visitors a spectacular view of the majestic eastern Himalayan
Ranges. A cup of hot coffee or tea at the pass has almost become part of tradition for people
travelling to and fro from Punakha to the capital city.

There is a small cafeteria at the pass that offers a chance for travelers to enjoy a hot beverage or a snack, it is located just off the road and overlooks the pass and is an ideal place to sit back, relax and enjoy the view. Another striking feature at the pass is the 108 Druk Wangyal Khangzang Chortens that were built for the well-being of all sentiment beings on earth. The 108 Chorten were built as a tribute to the Kings of Bhutan for their selfless service and leadership they offer to the people of Bhutan. These Stupas or Chortens also represent the peoples love, appreciation and loyalty towards the country’s King.

Later we will drive back to Thimphu and do some sightseeing like:-

The Kuensel Phodrang or the Buddha point is the world’s largest sitting Buddha statue, the statue is 167 feet high. The statue is situated on top of a hill overlooking the city of Timphu, it can be accessed by road and is about 15 minutes away from the city’s center. The word Kuensel means everything is clear and from this place you will sure enjoy a great view of the Thimphu Valley on both sides. The statute will house a temple inside it, the statue and its adjoining car park and recreational center are currently under construction and is expected to be ready by December 2012. The statue is constructed out of bronze and is studded with many semi-precious stones. Since they are no factories in country that can make such a large bronze cast structure, statute is being manufactured in China and the pieces are brought to Bhutan and are assembled here. On the drive to the statue the steep winding hill road offers an unparalleled view of the city of Thimphu and is an excellent place to capture a view of the city especially

after dark. A journalist once described the view as “seeing an oasis of light in the desert of darkness “as the city light of Thimphu shine very bright in an otherwise dark Thimphu valley.

Motithang Takin preserve
The Motithang Takin Preserve also known as the Thimphu Zoo by many is a small natural
preserve for the Takin Bhutan’s national animal. It was originally a mini zoo, but it was
converted in a preserve later on as the Takin.

The mini zoo contained a small number of Takin but the King of Bhutan later decreed that it was improper for a Buddhist nation to keep an animal in captivity. The animals were set free and the zoo was shut down, but for some reason the Takin refused to leave the area for the forests nearby. Instead the animals were frequently found roaming around the streets of the capital city in search for food. As a result the government decided to demarcate an 8 acre fenced location as the Motithang Takin Preserve. The preserve is a forested preserve that mimics the Takin’s natural habitat, in addition to the Takin there are a few musk deer and barking deer that live inside the preserve. There are plans to expand the preserves collection to include other rarely seen animals that live in Bhutan, currently the preserve plans to add the Red Panda and the Himalayan Serow to the preserve.

Changangkha Lhakhang
The Chagkha Lhakahng temple is a early medieval Buddhist temple in the capital city Thimphu. The temple is situated on a ridge overlooking the city, near Mohitang on the outskirts of Thimphu. The temple is the oldest temple in Thimphu and was constructed by Lama Phajo Drukgom Zhigpo in the 12 century AD. Lama Phajo Drukgom Zhigpo is also the founder of the Drukpa Kaygo School of Buddhism. The Lhakhang’s central deity is Chenirizig. There is a large statue of Chenrizig, the 11 headed, thousand arm manifestation of Avolokiteshwara. The prayer books in the temple are larger in size compared to the usual Buddhist texts. There are also large prayer wheels and paintings in the walls of the temple. The temple offers an excellent view of the city of Thimphu from its courtyard.

National Handicrafts Emporium
The National Handcrafts Emporium is a state run Handicrafts showroom in 4 different cities of
Bhutan. The emporium is run by the National Woman’s Association of Bhutan as a Non-Government Organization that is run under the royal supervision of Her Royal Highness

Ashi Sonam Choden Wangchuk. The Handicrafts Emporium showcases the finest handicrafts of the country and supports one of Bhutan’s most important income generating activities. The lack of an organized handicrafts industry in Bhutan is one of the biggest concerns of the organization running the Emporium as they strive to create some form of organization in this otherwise unorganized sector.
Later after visiting all these places mention above you will go and explore

Weekend Market
The weekend market is highly recommended to travelers who want to experience the local
Bhutanese way of life. The weekend market is located in a set of stall of both side of the Wang
Chhu River. The market essentially is a farmers market, where every week vendors from
throughout the region start arriving by Thursday evening and stay at the market till Sunday. It is interesting to see the well-heeled and well to do residents of the city jostle with the common folk for the freshest produce of the region.

Depending on the season you will find different kinds of fruits and vegetables available in the market. The most striking feature of the market is the chilli stalls that sell chilli in its fresh or dry from. Chili is the favorite spice of the Bhutanese and no Bhutanese dish is complete without a generous garnish of the fiery chilli.

Across on the western banks of the river, the Kundeyling Bazaam houses collections of shops

and stalls that sell textile, clothing, handicrafts, and other goods that the locals may need. You
will also find a lot of cheap ornamental goods on sale that have been imported from Nepal it is
advisable to visit the market with a guide who can help you hunt for a good bargain.

Overnight in a Hotel in Thimphu.

Day 3:
Thimphu to Paro
After early breakfast you will be driven towards Paro and later when you reach Paro you will go for sightseeing in and around Paro:-

Ta Dzong (National Museum)
Ta Dzong (The National Museum of Bhutan)
The National Museum of Bhutan is housed inside the six storied circular Ta Dzhong. The Ta
Dzong is a medieval watch tower situated above the Rimpung Dzong. The Ta Dzong was
constructed in 1656 with a purpose to give advance warning to the Paro Dzong in case of an
approaching army, in fact the word Ta means ‘to see’ in Dzongkha. The future first king was
imprisoned here for a brief period in 1872. In 1968 the Ta Dzong was converted into the
National Museum of Bhutan. The Museum houses a priceless collection of textile, costumes,

paintings, appliqué, wooden handicrafts, weapons, armor and jewelry. There is a small section dedicated to the natural history of Bhutan. There is a small chapel on the top of the building with icons representing Himalayan Buddhist traditions.

Rimpung Dzong
The Paro Dzhong is probably Bhutan’s best known and most iconic Dzong. This is probably the first building you will notice when you land at Paro International Airport and will probably be your first memory of Bhutan.

The imposing Dzong is perhaps the finest example of Dzong architecture existing the world
today, the massive buttered walls of the fortress dominates over the valley. The Rinpung Dzong’s name translates to the “Fortress on a heap of Jewels “.

The fortress was constructed in 1644 by Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal on the foundations of an ancient monastery. The fort played a crucial role in the history of the Paro valley as the Dzong helped keep the marauding Tibetans away from the Paro valley. The Dzong was hit by an earthquake in 1897 but survived unharmed, but a fire in 1907 ended up causing severe damage to the Dzong.

The Dzong is built on a steep hill along the banks of the Paro Chu River. The front part of the
Dzong is home to the District administration while the other courtyard towards the rare houses
the district monk body. The approach toward the Dzong is through a traditional covered bridge called the NemiZam. A paved stone path runs alongside the imposing outer walls of the structure. The valley’s annual springtime religious festival called the Paro Tsechu is organized each year in the courtyard of the dzong and is attended by tourists from all over the world.

Kyichu Lhakhang
The Jowo Temple of Kyichu is one of the oldest temples in Bhutan. The temple was built by the Tibetan King Songsten Gampo in the 7th Century AD. The Kyichu Lhakhang was one of the 108 temples constructed by him to subdue a demon that was terrorizing the people of the Himalayas. The temple is believed to have been visited by the Guru Rinpoche in the 8th

Century during his visit to the Paro Valley. Other important personalities to have visited the temple in antiquity include Lam Kha Nga and the Phajo Dugom Zhigpo.

The Lhakahng underwent many extensions during the ages with the last one being carried out in 1965 by the Queen Mother Ashi Kezang Choden Wangchuck. She added another new structure to the temple called the Guru Lhakahng. As one of the oldest Lhakahangs, it houses many important relics. One of the most important relics of the temple is a 7th century statue of Jowo Sakyamuni which is believed to have cast at the same time as it famous counterpart in Lhasa Tibet.

There are 2 orange trees located in the courtyard of the temple; there is a belief amongst the
locals that these orange trees bear fruit all year long. This site is one of the most sacred holy sites is all of Bhutan, and our companies travel consultants recommend every traveler to visit this sacred temple.

Paro Town- Tiny Paro town actually can offer lot more, there are many authentic handicraft shops, readily available Bhutan made products, grocery and imported garment shops beside having many small restaurants around. Outdoor Activities- Nicely made and well maintained activity place attached to whole sell Buddha statue store, offers wearing Bhutanese dress, playing archery and darts for guests visiting Bhutan.

Overnight in a hotel in Paro.

Day 4:
Paro, Taktshang Monastery
After breakfast, we will take you for a morning hike up to Taktsang Monastery, also known as
‘Tiger’s Nest’. Hanging precariously and magically from a rather steep cliff, the Taktshang
monastery is a monument of genuine pride for the Bhutanese nation. It defies architectural
principles to the core and amazes tourists from around the world.

It is a sight to behold. Taktshang or the Tigers lair as the monastery is called, it is widely
regarded is one of the most important monuments of spiritual significance in Bhutan. Its history is deeply associated with the visit of Guru Padmasambhava, the revered Indian saint who came to Bhutan in the 8th century AD.

The cave was named Taktshang after Guru Rinpoche flew into the cave from Kurtoe Singye
Dzong in eastern Bhutan while riding on a tigress. When he landed in the cave, he took the
wrathful form of Guru Dorji Drolo who is regarded as one of the eight manifestations of Guru
Rinpoche to decimate the demons. Several saints have chosen this sanctuary to pray and meditate in solitude. The monastery was built in 1692 by Gyalse Tenzin Rabgaye who is said to be one of the reincarnations of Guru Rinpoche. The Monastery consists of four main temples along with their residences that are constructed along the rock ledge. There 8 caves in total out of which 4 are relatively easy to access.

The monastery was ravaged by fire twice in the 1900s first in 1951 and later the fire of 1998,
which nearly destroyed the monastery completely. The government then undertook a
comprehensive reconstruction in 200 with funding from foreign donors. The monastery was
recreated to its original splendor and re-opened to the public shortly thereafter.

From the road, the hike toward Taktshang follows an uphill route and takes approximately 3-4
hours at an average walking pace on a clear, sunny day. We recommend that you carry sunscreen lotion, large quantities of drinking water, a walking stick just in case you need to shoo of the birds and a hat to further protect yourself from the sun.

Day 5: Paro Departure

In the morning after early breakfast we will see you off at the Paro Airport for your onward destinations.

The Minimum Daily Package Rate covers following services:

• Govt. approved standard hotels in twin sharing room.
• All meals at the Govt. approved standard hotels or local restaurants
• Tourist Standard Transport / transfers within Bhutan for the duration of the tour. Entire day long car(Sedan/SUV/Hiace bus/Coaster Bus) according to the group size and availability with a driver
• A licensed English speaking local guide for the duration of the tour
• Sightseeing and all permits and all monuments entrance fees.
• USD. 100 SDF (Sustainable Development Fees) royalty to the government & all taxes
• E-permits process and arrangement as per the itinerary mentioned here.
• Airport/land pick up and drop within Bhutan.
• Complimentary bottled water throughout the journey.
• Bank charges for payment transfers. Card payment charges are higher than wire transfer.
• One-off VISA application fee of USD. 40

Package doesn't include:

• Flight Fares (domestic & internationals).
• Additional/Extra room supplement and room upgrade charges.
• Any alcoholic or nonalcoholic beverages taken from the hotels/restaurants.
• Personal expenses or shopping, phone calls, use business center in the hotels etc.
• Travel Insurance for the duration of stay in Bhutan.
• Gratuities to guides and drivers.
• Activities like (Cycling, River Rafting, Motor Biking, Horse Riding, Cultural Program, Hot Stone Bath etc.).
• Anything which is not mentioned under inclusion are not included in the cost.

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