The Land of the Thunder Dragon
Bhutan is known for its stunning landscapes, legendary ancient temples and fortresses, spicy yet delicious food, colorful festivals and most of all its authenticity. The only carbon neutral country on the earth. If you wish to escape from your buzzing life and relish a moment in the lap of Himalayas, Bhutan is the place for you! the most highly acclaimed travel destination. A land with remarkable natural beauty with a pristine and intact environment and a friendly tradition-bound people. To the discerning international traveler, Bhutan has become an exotic and enticing final frontier.
At this time and age when tourism most often dictates national economics, travel to Bhutan is a refreshing experience. Here, a deeply ingrained sense of hospitality, a universally acknowledged ecosystem and a living culture ensures every traveler the best that any nation has on offer. Travel to Bhutan is really an exploration.
Explore the tradition and culture that has been preserved through the centuries. In Bhutan, it is not about seeing a display showcased for tourists but living and sharing an experience with the Bhutanese. From religious festivals to a celebration on a farm or a game of archery, become a part of it all. Come and discover the secret of Happiness and peaceful country-Bhutan.
“Bhutan has things that are known globally, but only can be experienced locally”
Bhutan Visitor Facts Area: 47,000 sq. km.
Location: Nestled in the Eastern Himalaya between India and China.
Population: 0.7 million (approximately).
Capital: Thimphu.
Time: Bhutan is plus 6 hours GMT.
Politics: Constitutional Monarchy.
Official Religion: Tantric form of Mahayana Buddhism in Drukpa Kagyupa sect.
Language: The official language of Bhutan is Dzongkha; however, English is widely spoken across the country.
Currency: Ngultrum (on par with Indian rupee).
Exchange Rate: US$ 1 = Approx. Nu. 68.
Electricity: 220-240 volt. Primary Socket Types Euro, British and Indian.
National Bird: Raven (Corvus Corax Tibetanus).
National Flower: Blue Poppy (Meconopsis Grandsis).
National Tree: Cypress (Cupressess Corneyana).
National Animal: Takin (Budorcas Taxicolor).
National Day: December 17 (1st King Sir Ugyen Wangchuck enthroned 1907)
National Dress: Gho for Men and Kira for women.